
Crime Prevention Tips - Vandalism

How Would You Feel If Someone...
  • Broke the basketball backstop at the playground where you shoot hoops?
  • Kicked your boom box and broke it?
  • Slashed the tires on your bicycle?
  • Spray painted obscenities on your house?
  • Tore up your mother's favorite rose bushes?
And then said it was just a joke.
Destroying someone else's property isn't funny. It's vandalism and it's a crime. Maybe you've heard that vandalism is just mischief and doesn't really hurt anyone. That's not true. Schools that have to spend money on broken windows have less money — or no money — to spend on sports equipment or student activities. Taxpayers (your parents) have to pay the costs of replacing damaged swings, basketball hoops, and streetlights. A homeowner has to replace the torn-out roses or knocked-down mailbox.

What You Can Do
  • Don't destroy or deface someone else's property or places that everyone uses.
  • Report any acts of vandalism to the school administrator or police.
  • Get your class or club to start an anti-vandalism campaign.
  • Clean graffiti off walls in schools, libraries, or other public facilities. 
  • Work with police and school officials to start a hotline to report vandalism.

